
Bench Accounting...Take a Deep Breath and BREATHE

Written by Rob Lockie | Dec 29, 2024 6:18:24 PM

Bench Accounting...Take a Deep Breath and BREATHE

Like many others, I was stunned at the abrupt closure of Bench on Friday December 27, 2024.  Perhaps this another Enron moment and something positive can arise from the ashes. Deep Breath in...Exhale...Slowly...just BREATHE.


It is never for easy for anyone to lose their job, let alone lose their job over the holidays. To those former employees our sympathies are heartfelt.  There should be some comfort in knowing that for many of you, your period of unemployment will most likely be brief.  Your skill set is in demand, and your ability to find employment is that much more enhanced if you have an established relationship with former clients.  Our organization would love to have a discussion about the possible future benefits for both you and your clients.


To former clients of Bench...WOW...just absolutely WOW. Don't Panic, ..BREATHE...Move Quickly, but BREATHE...The Universe is still functioning, even if your part of it seems that it isn't. 


Finding a new service provider is not like changing your underwear.  There is normally a discussion process, some vetting to make sure the firm you intend to use is the right fit for you and you the right fit for them.  Being thrown out the door like this is bound to leave a sour taste in anyone's mouth.   Like many of our counterparts, we are also willing to step up to the plate to assist in this difficult time.  However, time isn't on your side because the powers that be still require regular reporting and there are pressing deadlines that are inevitably marching forward. While Bench may recommend using Kick, your needs may not be best served moving forward utilizing that platform. There are solid other  cloud accounting platforms like Xero, QBO, Sage or Zoho; something a little more mainstream so you are not held hostage again.  Our organization would love to have that discussion with you as well.


I don't believe there can be any one player that can absorb all of Bench's former clients, but the industry as a whole can. After all, the best way to devour an elephant is one bite at a time.  BREATHE!